can someone PLEASE go over my final game plan?


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Greece and USA (dual citizenship)
ok i will purchase a 55 gallon tank soon(US).........i am planning to put a 4 inch black ghost knife,two 5inch rope fish,two 5 inch pictus cats,three 5 inch gouramis(opaline,gold and 3 spot) and 3 candy striped plecos. I will have a constant tempature of 77(F) a pH of 7, a kH of 7 and two filters of a combined 600 gph..... the tank will have very fine gravel, lots of hiding places, and low lighting.....ANYTHING THAT IS SCREWED UP WITH MY GAME PLAN PLEASE TELL ME
The ghost knife will probably outgrow your tank eventually, they can get very large, over a foot long.
Ghost Knife really needs a bigger tank. Plus if the ghost knife gets pissed I believe they can give off a electrical shock and kill everything.
No offence intended, please don't take any.

It is not a good idea to buy any fish that will outgrow your tank, it is all our intentions to get bigger tanks, but more often than not it does not happen. The result is a stunted, prematurely dead fish. Always stock with what you like that will be ok in your current tank when fully grown. We see countless posts with 'I got three clown loaches for my ten gallon, but I am getting a bigger tank soon' I am sure 7 out of ten times this does not happen. Sorry penguinpimp, not aimed at you and the wrong place to rant, but its done.

The BGK will eat anything that will fit in its mouth, and its a big mouth!

I have to agree with jflowers - never get fish you can't CURRENTLY house adequately at full size. Other than this, your other choices are good.
penguinpimp1990 said:
but i bought a 100 gallon tank ill just put the bgk is the 100 gallon tank
Very nice! Should suit the BGK, I thought you were getting it in a few months by your other post.

So why not wait and put the BGK in the 100 gall when it is ready? That means that you can stock your smaller tank now with fish to keep!
Maybe a brown african knife? Xenomystus nigri. Apparently they get on well in communities, and don't get too big (20 cm) so should be okay with your plecos. Just a suggestion :)

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