Can Someone Please Advise


Fred and the Fredettes
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
London, UK
I want to put details of my Malawi tank and pics and i want some specific feedback, i would prefer to do it in the African Cichlid forum, but because its pics of my tanks, do i need to do it under "members tanks" forum? Its just thats its not really about the pics, its more about advice for the way forward with my set-up? Can i just use the advice forum and still include my pics?

ALSO, please..... whats the best way to do pics on this forum? I dont think i can upload direct can i?

according to the sticky i can add pictures directly from my PC by "browsing" and not have to use a host like photo-bucket, but i cant see any "browse" or option to that when i reply to my own post to put pics up? :crazy:
for some threads i just randonly checked when i do "add reply" it gives me an option to add an "attachment" and "browse" and for some it doesnt give me this option
for some forums here it is enabled that you can do it and for others it isn't. the easiest way to do it is to get a photobucket account and then use the IMG tags in the african cichlids forum as they would be able to give you the advice that you are seeking.
Why is it not enabled in all sections?
It would make it much easier if it was... :good:

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