Can Someone Identiy The Sex Of My Senegal?


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Okay, first of all, what 'it' is: 'It's a 4 month old Senegal Bichir that is about 5 inches long.

Alright, here 'it' is:


Can someone tell me whether my Senegal is a male of a female, please??


Yip mines gone from 2" to 4" in under 2 months lol

From what i know you can sex them from the shape of either the tail or the anal fin.. Males have a pointed Anal fin and the females have a more spade shaped sure thats what it is..

someone can confirm that if they like
Actually, when determining the gender of bichirs the general rule is that the male has a broad anal fin while the female's is more long and slender. Based on your photographs, your bichir is likely a female.


the male bichir when around 6" devevop a bumpy/raised place on eather side of the anal fin(where it conects to the body).
it will be thicker more muscled because the male uses it to cup the female while breeding and then he vibrates it to spread eggs around. the female has a much smaller and thiner fin with almost a dimple where it connects, yours may be to small still but if it doesnt get a lot thicker so that it looks almost white instead of translucent then its a female. my bet would be female at this point.

figured i should say the male and female untill about 6" look identical my male is 6 1/2" and has a much larger and muscled fin then my 7 1/2" female.i also have to say that he/she doesnt look like she is realy 5" yet so you probably have a little time to go and i dont know what size your tank is but they can reach 24".

Your information is correct regarding the anal fin functions in males. I do question, however, your stated maximum size for this particular bichir (Polypterus senegalus). Having kept bichirs of nearly all species for extended lengths of time, I can say that I've never seen a P. senegalus reach much over 13-14 inches. There is a questionable subspecies, Polypterus senegalus meridionalis, that is reported to reach 20+ inches. I say questionable because most authorities find P. senegalus meridionalis to be indistinguishable from P. senegalus senegalus and tend to synonomize the two. As for the reported maximum size for the meridionalis subspecies, I still maintain that I've never kept nor heard of anybody who has kept a P. senegalus in excess of 14 inches.


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