Can Someone Identify This Shark/catfish?


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
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UK North Yorkshire
Hi i have just aquired this fish he/she is about 15" and i am struggling to find what species it is, so i can care for it as best as possible. It looks like a shark but has barbels like a catfish.

I know i should know what im buying before i bring it home but that wasnt an option in this case



Take extra care while reading the potential size section :good: This is exactly the type of tankbusting fish that makes prior research particularly important. :)

Potential Size: Male: 130cm (51.2")
Female: 130cm (51.2")

Thanks for the identification. I guess i need to start thinking about what to do with him once he out grows the 110g tank any ideas?

I came by him by accident really he was in a freinds fish house that had broken down and has a bad case of cloudy eye / Itch which im treating with raised tank temp and and rock salt at 15 teespoons in a 110g

I really hope he pulls through as my son is totaly in love with him and enjoys boasting how his shark makes my balas in the cichlid tank look like stickle backs lol
I have worse news for you, that isnt Pangasius hypopthalmus, its dorsal fin is too high and the mouth too wide set.
I beleive it is Pangasius sanitwongsei , which reaches an incredible 98 inches good luck homing that as it grows and keep pets and children away from it.
Thanks a lot for that after looking at the pics im sure your right, i kind of feel guilty now holding him in a tank he clearly should be in a large open space of water

good luck homing that as it grows and keep pets and children away from it.

Its funny you say that my staffy sits in front of the tank watching it swim up and down, she never bothers with my other tanks. As for keeping the kids away im thinking its a good way to keep them in check, Behave or learn to swim FAST lol
Well a sealife centre would be my first try the 2nd would be the chip shop ^_^

but seriosly i have a feeling its going to be a headache to re home and again proves the point, just because it fits in a tank now doesnt mean it wont grow.

well i guess i will keep him as long as he is healthy and apears to be happy but i dont want to stunt his growth by keeping him a tank thats just not upto the job :(
Well a sealife centre would be my first try the 2nd would be the chip shop ^_^

but seriosly i have a feeling its going to be a headache to re home and again proves the point, just because it fits in a tank now doesnt mean it wont grow.

well i guess i will keep him as long as he is healthy and apears to be happy but i dont want to stunt his growth by keeping him a tank thats just not upto the job :(

yup you can guarantee it :/

unfortunately as pangasius cats are major tank busters but still readily available things like sea life centre's are overrun with people trying to re-home them. they take very very few of them :-(

i feel so sorry for these fish, dread to think how many die due to unsuitable conditions, gotta be like 99% of them sold in lfs's :-(
always possible to try a local aquarium once he gets too large for you. he would be quite a display there if he got to 90 inches!!

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