Can Someone Id This Cat For Me Please ?


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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I have had this catfish for some time now and i have no idea what it is, i was given it by someone who gave up his fish tank.
Could some tell the the nameof this cat, commen name first please and also give me some info in the fish too please.
looks like some sort of cory to me - but I'm afraid I'm no specialist so can't tell you the type.
What I do know about corys is that they like to be in groups and can get pretty shy (and sometimes bullied) if they're on their own. Otherwise - they're pretty easy to look after.

I'm sure someonw with much more knowledge than me will be able to give u more info though!
I have had this catfish for some time now and i have no idea what it is, i was given it by someone who gave up his fish tank.
Could some tell the the nameof this cat, commen name first please and also give me some info in the fish too please.
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at first glance I thought it was a Cory, but looking at the other pics it looks like a cross between a cory and a pimelodus.

I'm gonna say is some kind of Pimelodidae, I cant check for sure as I'm in work, but I'll have a search tonight, unless someone answers before then :good:
I have had this catfish for some time now and i have no idea what it is, i was given it by someone who gave up his fish tank.
Could some tell the the nameof this cat, commen name first please and also give me some info in the fish too please.
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at first glance I thought it was a Cory, but looking at the other pics it looks like a cross between a cory and a pimelodus.

I'm gonna say is some kind of Pimelodidae, I cant check for sure as I'm in work, but I'll have a search tonight, unless someone answers before then :good:

Ooh, very close but a while ago someone moved a whole bunch of fish out of the Pimelodidae family and stuck them into a new family known as the Heptapteridae, and the reason it looks like a cory, it belongs to the Brachyrhamdia family which are known as Corydoras imitators. In the wild these fish swim along with schools of Corydoras so that they avoid predatation (not much eats corys because they are armoured and spikey) and also to be able to sneak up on their prey of small tetras and such without the tetras being alarmed, Corydoras are no threat so the tetras happilly swim above them.

This particular species is Brachyrhamdia meesi. Really they should be kept with a few members of their own kind and a school if similar looking Corydoras species.
I agree with CFC in the most part
but of the pics I've looked at of Brachyrhamdia meesi
none show it with a black tip to the dorsal fin as the OPs pic show
also those pics showed a much brighter fish than the OPs,
(of course that could just be down to the settling in period)

the body shape reminds me of a Batasio but CFC is more of a catfish guru than I
So would this fish feel better if i put it into my 30litre planted tank where i have a corry (getting some more this week) and what is the commen name for this fish because i would like to research it?
So close yet so far away :-(

Yuo should use the proper name, not the common name for research purposes :good: so ensure you get the correct information, and not all fish have common names.
Its the sort of thing i would picture as a hybrid between a two-spot catfish and an ornate pimelodus catfish.

Nice fish whatever it is :)

Cheers, Joemuz

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