Fish Fanatic
Can someone please ID everything here, i got this one rock from my lfs for £60.00 was it worth it? There is also a little pulsing xenia on the side of it
The Snail was fast and got on it befor i found my camera.
I think these below are polyp's but not 100% sure and if they are what kinds?
Sorry to be a pain and keep asking for names but they never tell me them and if they do i never remember them
Many Thanks Eigdoog
Can someone please ID everything here, i got this one rock from my lfs for £60.00 was it worth it? There is also a little pulsing xenia on the side of it
The Snail was fast and got on it befor i found my camera.
I think these below are polyp's but not 100% sure and if they are what kinds?
Sorry to be a pain and keep asking for names but they never tell me them and if they do i never remember them
Many Thanks Eigdoog