Can Someone Give Me A List Of Fish I Can Keep In A 5.5 Gallon


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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im wanting to start a saltwater nano here in the next few months and i was wanting to know what my options were as far as fish. i got a few answers from the lfs but they had a limited selection and im sure they left off quite a bit just cause they didnt have it in stock. i looked on the forum but i couldnt find a thread that answered my question so i thought id post it. :good: what fish can i put in a 5.5 gallon. to start things off iv considered two yellow watchmen and two pistol shrimp since iv been told they go well together- the shrimp dig the hole and the watchmen live in it. what other options do i have. keep in mind i have no intentions whatsoever to get a bigger tank in the near future so this needs to be responsibly self contained and not used as a grow out tank :good: thanks so much guys and i look forward to this, im new to saltwater and im finally getting to the point where i can break into it. :yahoo:
I wouldn't do two shrimp or two fish together. Unless you can get a pair of shrimps what will not fight then try and only keep one. Um as for other fish I wouldn't do over one.
Clown gobies
Neon Goby maybe a pair would work
Other pistol gobies
yashia haze
maybe a small fire fish
a group of sexy shrimp.
Hope this helps

ok thanks, i definitely like the haze. if yall think of any others please feel free to mention

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