Can Shrimps Kill Guppies


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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I have 5 algae shrimps in my tank yesterday i found one of my shrimps eating a dead guppy and today i found another one eating a dead guppy. Did the shrimps kill the guppy or did the guppy die and then get eaten by the shrimp.
My ghost shrimp has caught and killed baby bristlenose plecs a centimeter long, how big are the guppies?


:eek: :eek: Omg, seriously? Although they do lie on the bottom, which i suppose makes it easier for them to catch rather than a swimming fish thats rarely on the bottom completly. I'm shocked, did you see them kill/eat it?
I've seen it catch them twice, once i couldn't get the baby off it and the other time i got the baby and put it in a net for a while but it died. I think this shrimp also killed my red nose shrimp so it was put in the bigger tank as an only shrimp, it has done well so far not to be eaten by the loaches but it's a fast little bugger.

Guppies are fully grown adults, they may have died of old age and shrimps got them. The others are doing great :D
It depends on the type of shrimp you got, there are hundreds of different types of shrimp and not all of them peaceful bottom dwelling critters. But first you need to test your tank for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and post us the results, the guppys could have died of their own accord and almost any shrimp, peaceful or not, will not say no to cleaning up any fish that die in the tank.
How long has the tank been set up for, how many gallons does it hold and how many and what types of fish/other critters does it hold?

It depends on the type of shrimp you got, there are hundreds of different types of shrimp and not all of them peaceful bottom dwelling critters. But first you need to test your tank for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and post us the results, the guppys could have died of their own accord and almost any shrimp, peaceful or not, will not say no to cleaning up any fish that die in the tank.
How long has the tank been set up for, how many gallons does it hold and how many and what types of fish/other critters does it hold?
I have the one in that photo, what's that one?

And the plant it's on funnily enough.
Well. I'm not sure what species ghost shrimps is because wo don't have them at all here. But I presume Paleamon species?

How ever, Macrobrachium species look very similar and have claws and can hurt fish. They are not algae eaters like Caridina, Neocaridina and Paleamon species.

This shrimp, Macrobrachium lanchesteri is probably kindest of them but even it will eat fry and snails.
Other same lookin shrimps, some not so kind:
Water sats are Ammonia 0 and Nitrite 0, Other tank mates are 5 black neon tetras and 5 cardinal tetras added about two weeks ago. I seem to have a bit of trouble keeping guppies as they keep dying on me three weeks ago i had 9 now i have 5 could they just be a weak strain of guppies that i am buying. The other 5 seem to be ok at the moment.

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