can platies breed with mollies


New Member
Sep 21, 2003
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i was wondering i have a dalmation male molly and a metallic blue female platy how could i breed them and how would i know if they liked eachother help i want these to cross breed it would be awsome i could sell em for some cash huh. lol
-_-sorry to tell you this, but fish are not like dogs, which can breed with other types of dogs, e.g. a jack russell with a border terrier! Mollies, although they are quite sexual, and tend to breed with anything colour, size, age, they come into contact with, one rule you have to remember, is that it has to be another Mollie! You cant mix and match Mollies with another fish species. :sad:
someone correct if mistaken but swordtails,mollies and platies can cross breed
AN UPDATE FROM ME! Mollies, Guppys, Swortails, Platys..

Not ALL the above species can be successfully crossbred, a few are and produce amazing results! Guppies and Mollies can be crossbred. It is also said that Guppies and Swordtails have been crossed to create the swordlike tail of the Swordtail. However, because there is not concrete evidence of this cross, scientists find it more logical to assume a chance development in the tail!!! Crossbreeding can also result in deformities or cons, instead of pros. If you choose to breed Guppies and Platies, a word of caution, they will interbreed and produce unappealing, sterile offspring. I have never had a problem in this area, and if so, the solution is to sell them as a “feeder” to your local pet shop.

Breeding is a very exciting experience full of trial and error. Every breeder, new or experienced, has to learn from his or her mistakes. I hope that you do try to crossbreed, but its a route ive decided not to take as a result of the possible unappealing new breeds. Sorry to contradict myself so much, i got a little mixed up i suppose. hope this helps more. lark
as spanky_pp_ said they genetically can cross breed, but in most cases they wont. i have kept all four (guppie, platy, mollie and swordtail) in a tank together and have yet to see any fry that dont look like they are pure (nothing but what there mother was). the only ones i know of that do on a regualr basis are platys and swordtails, but most lfs wont take them for trade or anything because they aren't very appealing. and they are most likely sterile (kinda like mules, donkeyXhorse)
as spanky_pp_ said they genetically can cross breed, but in most cases they wont. i have kept all four (guppie, platy, mollie and swordtail) in a tank together and have yet to see any fry that dont look like they are pure (nothing but what there mother was). the only ones i know of that do on a regualr basis are platys and swordtails, but most lfs wont take them for trade or anything because they aren't very appealing. and they are most likely sterile (kinda like mules, donkeyXhorse)
Hi mate, here's the way I see it;

Platies and swordtails can cross breed to produce fertile offspring.

Guppies and Endlers can cross breed to produce infertile offspring. The guy who posted about the guppy with a swordtail? This is something which some of the endlers possess and so it is most likely that the "sword" guppies you saw were in fact guppy/endler crosses.

Mollies can not cross breed naturally with any other livebearer.

Guppies can not cross breed with mollies or with platies naturally.

Yes platy - mollly crosses and guppy platy crosses have been produced but this is not natural, this is through scientists extracting the sperm from the male, before reinserting it into unfertilised eggs. Obviously this isn't going to take place in your fish tank :)

So I'm sorry you won't be making any mega bucks, besides hybrids aren't too popular anyway :grr: :grr:
If Platies and Swordtails can hybridize and produce fertile offspring wouldn't that mean that they are actually the same species? I think I remember that from my days in high school biology.

Platies/swordtails have a very similar scientific (latin) name, not that I can remember it right now, and so do guppies and mollies. So while a platy/swordtail hybrid is possible a platy/molly hybrid prolly isn't. I think thats how it works anyways. Different family or genus or something scientific like that.
William said:
Hi mate, here's the way I see it;

Platies and swordtails can cross breed to produce fertile offspring.

Guppies and Endlers can cross breed to produce infertile offspring. The guy who posted about the guppy with a swordtail? This is something which some of the endlers possess and so it is most likely that the "sword" guppies you saw were in fact guppy/endler crosses.

Mollies can not cross breed naturally with any other livebearer.

Guppies can not cross breed with mollies or with platies naturally.

Yes platy - mollly crosses and guppy platy crosses have been produced but this is not natural, this is through scientists extracting the sperm from the male, before reinserting it into unfertilised eggs. Obviously this isn't going to take place in your fish tank :)

So I'm sorry you won't be making any mega bucks, besides hybrids aren't too popular anyway :grr: :grr:
Now im quite confused myself! ahghh! P.s Spanky, is a Female! Not a guy.hehehe

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