can parrot fish breed???


Steals the show
Jan 3, 2005
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i am farily sure my girlfriends fathers parrot fish have bred, is this possbale, it seems to be the parrots looking after the fry?

also what should they be fed etc the parrots are doing a great job of looking after them thus far

and if so once they are gorwn what can be done with them, is any one liekly to want them??


It's possible. There are a few fertile male parrots floating around out there nowadays. I'm not sure what to feed them, but I am sure someone will want them, because if the parents are fertile, the fry most likely are as well!
if they are jelly beans, I think those ones are fertile, as ive seen some with fry before.
how do you tell a male from a female when it comes to parrots?? I'm thinking on getting 2 of them (for a bigger tank ;) NOT for my current tanks btw )
not a clue, we are asuming the smaller one is female!, had no idea there were a genuine pair when they were bought
i have a pair myself, i was going to ask about the chances of the eggs being firtile, but i guess i will have to just wait and see...

i have a question though, does anyone know how long it takes them to hatch?

the only differences i can tell between mine is the males fin on top is longer and sticks up and forward on top of its head, the female one goes back
sakaspuds said:
i have a question though, does anyone know how long it takes them to hatch?
Being that parrots are hybrids and thus far there aren't many people lucky enough to have a fertile breeding pair, it's hard to be sure about how long it would take for eggs to hatch. Probably about the same as severum or midas eggs, I would assume (though I don't know what the gestation period is for either of those species.) It seems like is usually doesn't take long for fish eggs to hatch... like a week or two.

Regardless, if the eggs are infertile they'll grow fungus in a couple of days and turn white

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