Can OB parents have nonOB offspring?


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2021
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I assumed the 5 young fish recently found in my 55 that has only one OB male and 4 OB females were OBs. But I’m being told they don’t look at all like OBs and are peacocks. All 5!
Anyone know if this commonly happens? These folks seem to be saying the OB genes skipped this group. Here’s today‘s group pic of my babies. The biggest is an inch long.
I found my answer in a very long thread in another forum. It’s YES! Very common to get nonOB frys and sad to say breeders commonly kill them to focus on the ones expressing OB genes. I’m not sure at what age and the ratio of nonOB to OB frys. Some did raise up spectacular blue peacocks.
I saw a single much smaller baby today and wonder if there’s a few more and how they will turn out.
I found my answer in a very long thread in another forum. It’s YES! Very common to get nonOB frys and sad to say breeders commonly kill them to focus on the ones expressing OB genes. I’m not sure at what age and the ratio of nonOB to OB frys. Some did raise up spectacular blue peacocks.
I saw a single much smaller baby today and wonder if there’s a few more and how they will turn out.
The OB’s you have now are probably hybridised anyway, hence the impure offspring

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