Can My Tank Be 1Cm Bigger Than The Stand?

The 'feet' on the Aquanano are 35 cms apart (I just measured
), so it'll be fine on your stand.
oh good!! I really want to get this tank!! I couldn't find anywhere saying that it had feet on it! cant find any reviews on youtube either, and my closest pets at home didn't have it to look at, its a good tank though yeah? I just going to have a few platies or guppies in it and sell on my 80L
Yes, it's a very nice tank.

It was my first ever new tank (always had second hand before!)and it was the integrated filter/heater section that won me over; it is huge, so no worries about not having enough filtration, and it is lovely having no equipment on view
yeah I have only every had second hand tanks! I know its kinda expensive at £100 but I have applied for a new job and if I get the job im going to treat myself :D and If I don't get it I will still buy it haha
lol; yeah, everyone's got to be able to treat themselves once in while; that was the exact argument I came up with to justify buying mine!
Yay! I knew they stood in from the tank, but having the smaller version is hard to advise.

Pleased you can go ahead msasa, and I shall be looking forward to your tank set up thread :D

Good luck on the job!!
i have my 400l over the edge of my stand (around an inch i think) and its fine and has been for a year or so
You could always buy a sheet of wood and cut it to the same size as your tank and screw that down to the top of your stand.
Make sure you write up a snazzy review :D
I will make a video review and unboxing/setup and put it on youtube as ive had such a hard time finding ANYTHING out about this tank!!
Nice - but I meant in our review section on the forum!

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