my betta ate most of the fins off my male guppy, i have him in the isolation tank and he can move around a little. he is eating and very alive. can he survive and grow fins back or is that not possible? please help!
if the fin damage goes right back to the base of the fin sometimes it won't grow again. How is he swimming?
.......imo good water water quality, good food, and perhaps adding something like melafix to the water will give your guppy the best chances of survival. Keep an eye on him for signs of infection
I've had guppies with badly damaged fins that have recovered fully
he is able to navigate all over the bottom of the breeder box i put him in. he can't get too far off the bottom but can get around enough to eat and he is breathing good. i will go to the lfs and get him medicine like you said. the betta can just stay away from others for good this time.