Can my betta be housed with the following fish...


New Member
Aug 3, 2003
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Ok I got a 5 gal tank and have
4 goldfish
2 Zebra Danios
1 Black mollie
and 1 female betta
Can my male betta live with these? Thanks in advance!
:-( Hate to tell ya but no... First the 5 gal is just too small for that many fish. Goldfish are messy fish, causing alot of waste in the tank, and they can get quite large. they should be alone in a seperate tank. The danios are very active fish zipping around like crazy and should have a bit more room. The mollys should be kept in groups of 3 or more. A female betta and male should only be together for breeding and never in the same tank long only takes a male a short while to destroy the female.

I think I would put the molly in the 5 gal. with 2 more ( if you don't want fry make sure ya only get same sex) or put the female in the 5 gal. and return the other's to the lfs or buy a bigger tank.

Hate being the bearer of bad new's like this :*)
Um wow i'm sure as hell unorganized. Thanks for the tips :)
LOL we all are when we first start out.. I won't even begin to tell you about all my messes before I finally got things right. :*) :*)

Your doing great as far as asking when in doubt :thumbs:

Let me know what you come up with.. Lots of luck

Mollymomma said:
LOL we all are when we first start out.. I won't even begin to tell you about all my messes before I finally got things right. :*:*)

Your doing great as far as asking when in doubt  :thumbs:

Let me know what you come up with.. Lots of luck

heh. Thanks again. :D
Yes, you totally have too many fish for a tank that size. And if I may add, the goldfish rule is 1 gfish per 10 gallons. There are reasons for this: golfish ARE very messy (produce a lot of ammonia), the average ifespan is 10 yrs. (the oldest being 43!), and they can easily get over 6" for the fancy variety (bigger for single tails). I didn't know all this either, so I had a tiny gfish in a 2 1/2 gal!!!! It grew quickly, and in 4 months, I knew I had to do something, so I just started getting information from the websites. Now I have two golfish in their own 10 gal tanks. I'm going to get a 29 gallon and put them together next year. I also have two bettas. If you like the betta, you can get safely keep one in 1 gallon bowl. (Just make sure you are diligent about keeping your water clean.)

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