Can live food be too small for fish?


Tank of the Month 🏆
Aug 6, 2023
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I recently hatched some moina to have live food for my hengeli rasboras. I was wondering if the live food is too small, will the fish ignore it?

The moina are recently hatched so they're still tiny, but they should grow a bit bigger over time.

Thoughts/opinions would be greatly appreciated!


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Hello rebe. I've never kept Rasboras. They look a lot like some of my Tetras. Anyway, fish will eat most anything that's in the tank. They're small fish, so I don't think any food you give them is going to be too small. You want to feed a variety, but don't feed too often. Live foods are generally very good for fish.

I think your Rasboras will appreciate the live food.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I used to wonder if live food could be too small and I found the answer to be no . I always considered newly hatched baby brine shrimp to be a fry food only and then I read an article where the author was feeding adult tetra’s freshly hatched brine shrimp . I tried it and the fish went wild for it . Fish are always looking for something to eat and pass up nothing in their natural surroundings so why would the environment of the home aquarium be any different ? Give it a go .
Hello rebe. I've never kept Rasboras. They look a lot like some of my Tetras. Anyway, fish will eat most anything that's in the tank. They're small fish, so I don't think any food you give them is going to be too small. You want to feed a variety, but don't feed too often. Live foods are generally very good for fish.

I think your Rasboras will appreciate the live food.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Thank you, I'm glad to hear your thoughts. I usually feed the rasboras two small meals a day. Oase organix micro granules for breakfast and crushed bug bites for dinner.
(Shout-out to my good friend Alex for those)
I should be able to substitute some of their meals with live moina now.
I used to wonder if live food could be too small and I found the answer to be no . I always considered newly hatched baby brine shrimp to be a fry food only and then I read an article where the author was feeding adult tetra’s freshly hatched brine shrimp . I tried it and the fish went wild for it . Fish are always looking for something to eat and pass up nothing in their natural surroundings so why would the environment of the home aquarium be any different ? Give it a go .
That sounds really interesting! I gave the rasboras a few of the newly hatched moina as a trail, and the ones they saw were eaten straight away.
Things are looking good! 🤞
Most of our fish spot and eat bacteria. I figure that I eat tiny foods - think of some of the things we go for. Food is food.
I never realised they could/do eat bacteria. The rasboras should do just fine with the moina then 😄

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