Can I...


New Member
Aug 13, 2003
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...put a Male Betta and a Male Black Moor together in the same tank?
In my opinion, it would all depend on the temperment of the betta on wether he could be put with anyone else. Some are good with others and some just arent. Sorry i could not be more help. Sandy
ya cuz the person who worked with the fish told me it would be fine but being as they are both aggressive breeds...i just wanted sum inside info.
hmmmm im glad i didn't do this. when i got my new one i took the bag up to the glass of my bettas tank and they started freaking out so...good thing i didn't...
lol my friend had a betta and she told me that if you put a mirror up to the tank they will flare and its good excersize so i do and whenever i do my betta goes psycho! lol so im thinking my betta may be a little too tempermental for any other fish besides perhaps sum tetras...nuthing attacks tetras :D well almost.

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