Can i....


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
Can i put a betta in a 55 gal with2 marble angelfish,2 mystus catfish and 4 sailfin mollys
i think you have to keep Betta's on there own, i think they tend to fight, but I'm sure someone with more knowledge will give you a better idea, although saying that my LSH had a betta in with neons and mollies, but I think thats pet shops for you...

kiss kiss :wub:
I have kept female bettas in my 55 gallon with swordtails and cories. They got along fine. My male betta herds swordtails so he's not allowed with them anymore. The only time I ever had a betta with Angels (a long time ago) the Angels killed him.
The male betta might not do so well because the current may be too strong for him. Bettas are naturally not very good swimmers so they can't handle a very strong current. I just set up my 30 gal and tried my betta in there and he couldn't handle it. The current was way too much for him. I put him in his own 10 gal. for now. Also, betta tend to attack fish with long pretty tails. I made the mistake of keeping my male betta with 2 guppies when I first started out. The next day I had one male betta and two halves of a guppy. :/ The sailfin mollies would probably not be good around the betta, nor the swordtails. Although I have seen a male betta in a tank with the swordtails and he seemed to be just fine.

Sometimes it depends on the betta. What is his temperment? Or are you looking to buy one soon? My betta did fine with a dalmation molly, he only has a problem with the gourami and the guppies.

I suggest to keep the betta on his own for now. Maybe get a small 10 gal. and set him up in there with maybe a few cories or something?
I'd say get him a small tank of his own. 1 gallon plus is good. You don't need to filter if you do regular water changes.

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