can i?


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2004
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ok well when my tank gets more stable i was gunna get 3 more danios (zebras) i have 3 longfinned goldens and i was wondering if i could get 3 regular longfnned zebra danios just for a change of color...can i?
I have a danio mishmash of 2 regular zebras 2 longfin blues and 1 golden zebra longfin. They all school together like they dont know the difference. Other people may have other opinions on if this is a good idea though.

I would prefer, however, that they all be the same so as soon as the LFS has more goldens in stock I will be doing a bit of trading. i want a school (shoal whatever) of 10 golden zebra longfins :hyper:
JoBodude said:
ok well when my tank gets more stable i was gunna get 3 more danios (zebras) i have 3 longfinned goldens and i was wondering if i could get 3 regular longfnned zebra danios just for a change of color...can i?
The danios don't care :p Kind of like cories inter-shoaling :)
as DD has said
danios will school with any other danio.

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