Can I Turn the Filter off overnight?


New Member
Jan 8, 2005
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Hi there,

I have a new tank which I have set up with some fancy goldfish (2 moores and a lionhead). My tank was a box set from the fish shop, and came with an underwater filter. I think the current from the filter is too strong for the fish, they seem to struggle to swim. I'm worried they might get worn out and fall ill. Can anyone advise if it is OK for me to turn this filter off from time to time, maybe overnight?

Thanks :)
to answer the question. no.

if you turn off the filter the bacteria will die, this would make your tank sterile an uinable to sustain life.

now how big is the tank, have you cycled it.
do you know how big your fish will get to as adults and how long they can live?
Also, make sure you use DE-CHLORINATED (add de-chlorinator to ordinary tap water) water for water changes.

Your fish will not get worn out and fall ill due to the current. The current/filter is what's keeping them alive as, without it, they would not be getting enough oxygen, would not have clean water and their waste would poison them.

I'd advise you to read through the first 3 links in my signature and answer The Wolf's questions.
Thanks for the advice, thats a big help. I have cycled the tank for 14 days and have been using water conditioner. I've also rearranged the tank so they seem to be much happier now.


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