Can I treat for fungus with a holding female?


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2013
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I’ll start with TLDR:
-Can I use an anti fungal treatment with a currently mouth brooding female, and clown loaches and a pleco?
-Can I also use salt with these species to enhance treatment?
-Should I just improve water quality and see if the small amount of fungus on one fish goes away?
-Should I ONLY use salt?

I have one Malawi cichlid who is a bit unhappy lately. I have neglected my water changes for the last 10 days due to illness, plus there is a really dominant peacock who is bullying him (and others). He is now showing a small spot of fungus on his dorsal. I put this down to the bad water quality and the harassment from the dominant peacock. The problem is, I have a female who is holding and I don’t know how an anti fungal tx would affect her? I also have clown loach and a pleco. Should I improve water quality and hope he improves, or should I treat? Should I also add salt?
Thank you.
Never mind, its gone since improving The water quality.
Even though this has been resolved, you should not add chemical medications to tanks containing eggs or baby fish because the medications can kill or do significant damage to the developing embryos and fry.

Salt is safe to use with eggs and fry.

How hard is the water (GH)?

If you have hard water, do you have a Plecostomus and clown loach in the tank?
Clown Loaches and Plecos should not be kept in really hard water (GH above 250ppm).

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