Can I Set This Up Without Killing Anything?!


May 14, 2008
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Gloucester, UK
Ive ventured into marine before, and on bad advice I set up a 30l nano tank and added fire shrimp and two clown fish and nuked the whole bloody thing overnight so I packed it in and stuck to tropicals!
Anyway, Im now itching to try again, but dont want anything even slightly complicated.
Basically I was planning on a 2x1x1 ft tank with 12kg live rock, a Fluval 2+ with no media, an additional powerhead for water movement. I cannot have a sump/skimmer/fancy lights etc cuz I cant afford all that. I only want to keep a fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, two common clowns and various CUC, small crabs etc. No corals either as I dont know the first thing about lighting.
So due to my small amount of livestock can this be done easily? I would need to use tap water as I have no access to RO water. I could use bottled if that makes any difference.
IMO a pair of clowns are not suited to 54 litres and 12kg of live rock is way too much! 6-8 will be enough.
try to go bigger. 100 litres-130 litres would be a lot better,otherwise you could risk what happened in the past!

tap should be okay with fish, but you may get nuisance algae due to high PO4 Si2 and No3

i dont know a single person that hasnt gone reef after just fish...
Ok great, thanks.
The only reason I need to use this tank is thats its my tropical atm, and I havent room/time for two tanks now the baby is here. It would just be a case of reusing what Ive got.
Id love to go into reef eventually, but thats something I can do in a couple of years as I have plans for a large corner tank if I get the hang of marine basics first. Im also scared of corals which is ridiculous but Ive been terrified of anything that looks like an anenome since I was a kid!
I even run a mile if I see a dead crab on the beach :blush:
But you are defo sure I dont need RO? And could I fill the gaps in the LR with ocean rock then to build a scene? And I defo dont need a skimmer, the LR will be enough filtration? Id rather overload on the LR to help with the water params.What fish could I have then? I dont trust google, they give such random minimum tank sizes.
RO would be a lot better, so buying your own unit would be very good indeed.
dont buy fake rock it restricts flow, and the gaps provide hiding places anyway. 6-8kg is plenty, any more and youll have flow issues. you will need 2 or 3 power heads like tunze's or koralias equating to 1200-1500 LPH. two koralia nanos would be good.

soft corals dont carry stings, but zoas carry a poison and if it gets into you youll be in hospital.
also hitchhikers like bristle worms will give a nasty sting if touched, but arent life threatening.

never trust google come on here.

i would go with 2 fish max personally. a goby and another small fish would be nice such as a firefish.

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