Can I Run This Heater "naked" ?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2008
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I've just removed my internal juwel filter now my external is bedded in (that was a long 3 weeks :blink: ). There was a heater in the filter box and I've read on here that the juwel heaters can't be run without the filter box, is this correct?

Is this filter a juwel one (it's made by hydor)?

Looks like a bog-standard heater to me... so YES you can run it out of the box... errr, but in water !
Great thanks :good: wasn't planning on burning it out by running it dry :lol:

hmm might just by another one, just submerged the heater by accident :blush:
this one seems to have a max water line (as well as a min line further down) - you can just make it out in the photo. Presumably it'd just blow it's fuse if I plug it in and it shouldn't be submerged?
this one seems to have a max water line (as well as a min line further down) - you can just make it out in the photo. Presumably it'd just blow it's fuse if I plug it in and it shouldn't be submerged?

mmmmm, if it has a MAX, then yes youre right (sorry) not seen one that cant be used underwater for decades !!!
Doubt it will go bang or anything - the space above water level is still very "wet" so it probably IS sealed... to be on the safe side, I would test it in a bucket of water... to be REALLY sure, buy a new one !

Nice pussy, BTW... LOL Bengal isnt it ?
lol, yeah he's a bengal - I put a couple of photos here a little while back

Gonna buy a new one, no point in chancing it when water and electricity are involved :crazy:
lol, yeah he's a bengal - I put a couple of photos here a little while back

Gonna buy a new one, no point in chancing it when water and electricity are involved :crazy:

Best looking pussy ive seen in ages ! ;-) Wish we could afford one... does he "talk" ? ive seen vids on youtube, and they are soo cute - bet the novelty wears a bit thin at 3am though !
does he talk? :lol: he never shuts up :sly: he is very vocal but you get used to it, they have their own bedroom at night though as I prefer to keep them in at night.

Got to be careful what you leave around as he's pretty clever (worked out where we hide treats and opened the tub a few times, the litter tray was not pretty after that :sick: )
We got an abandoned ginger thing just before xmas.... she has astounded me with her intelligence, especially her vocabulary of words she "knows" they are fascinating things.... shame they have to carve the house up !!! shes nearly been a rug a few times over the leather setees.... :-(

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