Can I Put This Rock In My Tank?


Fish Fanatic
May 9, 2009
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hi i got this rock of my friend and i was just wondering if i can put this rock in my tank it smells like concrete lol


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if you get some vinegar, and put a little on the rock, then see if it fizzes or not. if it does it will raise the ph, and so be unsuitable unless you are keeping african cichlids or marines. but if it doesnt it wil be fine, just make sure it is boiled a couple of times, and cleaned thoroughly
it should be ok boil it for a while to get the impureties out of it. it looks like some kind of fossil/coral rock loke ocean rock. is it brittle ? if so its a type of pumice and it might alter the ph
it should be ok boil it for a while to get the impureties out of it. it looks like some kind of fossil/coral rock loke ocean rock. is it brittle ? if so its a type of pumice and it might alter the ph

its no good mate it fizzes my ph is dot on 7 dont want it to change can any1 advice me or show me some rock that i can put in (big rock with holes in so fish can swim through?)
it should be ok boil it for a while to get the impureties out of it. it looks like some kind of fossil/coral rock loke ocean rock. is it brittle ? if so its a type of pumice and it might alter the ph

its no good mate it fizzes my ph is dot on 7 dont want it to change can any1 advice me or show me some rock that i can put in (big rock with holes in so fish can swim through?)

most rock with holes is oceon rock, so like yours, wont be suitable, i have some rainbow rock with holes in, like big ones, about 3-4cm in diameter, see if you can find some.. its cream, but with a yellow/orange/red bands..

i drilled some holes in some sand stone about 2/3" each the sand stone was only 2" thick and it was easy to do and if you move the drillbit about while drilling the holes it makles them odd shaped so i looks abit more naturally done i will post a pick of ot next water change (sunday) as its hard to reach ive got a 5.6ft x 2ft x 2.6ft tank and its right in the back corner and the tank stands at just over 5ft high on the stand so i need stepladders to get in it lol
as you have freshwater fish tank I think you can use river bed rocks(if you can get them) :rolleyes:

I don't recall any kind of porous rocks for a freshwater fish tank....but I can give you a suggestion . You can use some flat shaped granite rocks to create a cave like formation for your fish shelter...granite rocks should never harm your tank ph
Goto the park grab some flat rocks and put them in a bucket over night with hot water strain it a couple of times just give it a good cleaning, I did the same and i dont have a problem.

Even if that rock you had didnt raise the ph i wouldnt put it in the tank because that rock looks kinda sharp and you know how cichlids like to scratch themselves.

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