Can i put my 5 1/2 week old Cory in community tank?


New Member
Jan 2, 2024
Reaction score
Gauteng, South Africa
I have a cory that is about 5 1/2 weeks old. He's growing fast and was wondering if it would be a good time to release him into the tank. He's in a breeder box in the main tank at the moment. He's big enough that he won't be eaten. But it's my first cory fry that I've managed to get to hatch so I've never had experience with this
It really depends on what is in the community.
How's the little guy doing in the big tank? I'm going to bet he's already hanging out with the adults! :)

Congrats on raising your first cory baby! It's so exciting when it finally happens. :D
How's the little guy doing in the big tank? I'm going to bet he's already hanging out with the adults! :)

Congrats on raising your first cory baby! It's so exciting when it finally happens. :D
He is so happy and is fitting in perfectly with the adults. It even looks like he has gotten bigger over the last few days. So it is going very well, I'm so excited to watch him grow. So so cute 😱
He is so happy and is fitting in perfectly with the adults. It even looks like he has gotten bigger over the last few days. So it is going very well, I'm so excited to watch him grow. So so cute 😱

Aaaww! Yes, it's good to see them swimming happily with the adults, and turning into proper little fish! Amazing how fast they grow from looking like tiny insects when they hatch, to looking like proper mini cories. Very cute. :)

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