can I put my 10g tank on a towel?


Fish Herder
Oct 28, 2004
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I'm using a sturdy end table as a tank stand. My hubby thinks I should put down a towel first, just in case. Is it ok to do this? If so are there guidelines like towel thickness, size, etc?
How big is the tank? And sure you can put whatever towel you want if you don't want to ruin the wood of the end table.
konrad05 said:
How big is the tank? And sure you can put whatever towel you want if you don't want to ruin the wood of the end table.
It's a 10 gal-not sure of the dimensions but it's around 20" long. Maybe 21. I was going to use a kitchen type towel but it's just barely bigger than the tank. I was worried that a seam or something putting uneven pressure in one spot of the tank might cause a crack. So if I do it I guess I'll use one of my good bath towels. eek!
I've used in the past a thin piece of foam and placemates from the dollar store and save the towel for the dishes :D
Unless your tank has some kind of frame to spread the load evenly, all glass tanks should always be placed on a layer of some meterial which will smooth out the small irregularities that inevitably exist. Polystyrene is commonly used.

If your thoughts are for protecting the wood, some water proof material would be better, a towel will inevitably get wet and conduct the water deeper under the tank.

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