Can I put german blue rams with a betta?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2004
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I moved one of my male bettas to my 10 gallon so he's in their all by himself. I previously had him in a 1 gallon. I would like to take the german blue rams out of the 55 and put them in with him, since I can never find them easily in the 55g. Does anyone know if they would be compatible? If not them, then what about phantom black tetras or swordtails? Thanks. :)
Hi tmlhaus

Now I've never kept blue rams personally, but don't they need more space than a 10 gallon? As for mixing them with bettas, it really depends on your betta's temperment, but something tells me this is not a good idea.

As for black tetras and swordtails mixed with bettas, I'd definitely say no to these. Black tetras tend to be nippers, and will either kill your slow-swimming betta (long flowing fins are an easy target), or provoke him into being violent. As for swordtails, most likely the bright colors and fancy tail will set the betta off into thinking it could be another male betta. The swordtail probably won't stand a chance.

Just my opinion, hope someone with more info on blue rams comes along.

HTH :)

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