I know, I know bleach will kill fish, but I have bleached a used aquarium, before putting in fish, to kill all the bacteria from a snail farm. (For those interested I refilled the tank with fresh water and major doses of dechlorinater before refilling again for fish.)
Back to my question. The filter I bought has a thick layer of calcium/algae all over it and it is almost impossible to get off, and some places I just can’t get a brush to. Does anyone have any suggestions for cleaning these filters? I plan on replacing all the media. Will bleach or CLR damage the parts of the filter? Can these chemicals be removed completely before putting the filter into use?
Thanks for any help
Back to my question. The filter I bought has a thick layer of calcium/algae all over it and it is almost impossible to get off, and some places I just can’t get a brush to. Does anyone have any suggestions for cleaning these filters? I plan on replacing all the media. Will bleach or CLR damage the parts of the filter? Can these chemicals be removed completely before putting the filter into use?
Thanks for any help