Can I Put A Frog Or 2 With Tiger Barbs?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2006
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can i put a frog with some barbs or some shrimp with some barbs gouramis n a rtbs?
The only compatible frog I can think of is the African dwarf frog, and that would be an easy target for the tiger barbs.
actually i think my barbs r kinda friendly...they dont go after the gouramis and are scared of a lil

but i dont wanna see a dead frog the morning after lol

how bout some shrimp?
my shrimp are fine with tiger barb

(i have 3 shrimp and 6 tiger barb)....if anything the tiger barbs are scared of the shrimps, if they get too close the shrimp jump at them!!
I have an african dwarf frog and 6 Tiger barbs. The male tiger went up to the frog the first time he saw him and did the fishie equivalent of "sniffing" him - and lost interest. This may have been helped by the fact the the frog took this opportunity to swim off and kicked the male tiger in the face! :lol: :rolleyes:

In all honesty, I have had no problems with the combination at all. We have 6 tigers (1 male and 5 females) and Spike (the male tiger) is so busy with his women that he really has no interest in anything else.

I know Tigers have a reputation of being aggressive but my experience is only if they need to be - Spike and his ladies are not even vaguely interested in anything other than themselves.

Good luck with it!

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