Can I Put 2 Wk Old Fry With 6 Wk Fry?


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Hi all

Well i upgraded my 10 fry to a 10 litre tank,the 2 wee 2 week old babies are still in separate in a floating trap on top,they were very tiny when the hatched,they're growing but i was wondering if the 6 week old juniors would eat them?

Here's some latest pics of the 6 week juniors...i think they're gorgeous :wub:


Well unfortunately one of the 2 week old fry died in the separate container,so i have now put the little un in with it's older siblings,hoping they won't eat him/her!
Hiya, sorry I havent any experience of them at that age yet, they look fantastic, so big for just 6wks, & beautifully coloured. I hope your little one does ok in there.
Thanks :)

I'm no good on guessing sizes but i reckon they're about 3/4 inch now :wub:
Hi Harlequins :)

They are real little beauties! :wub: Have you seen any more eggs recently?
Hi inchworm

thanks :)

The last eggs i got were 2 weeks ago,they have been spawning but i have been out a lot so haven't seen any eggs,the platys make light work of them anyway :rolleyes:
The cories haven't been so active in the breeding since i put the peppered cories in,is this normal?
Hi Harlequins :)

Possibly, but it could also be that the peppereds (C. paleatus) are eating them. They tend to be egg eaters even when they are spawning themselves.
Hi inchworm,

ok thanks will have to keep a close eye on them,and try to retrieve them when i see any eggs :rolleyes: :)

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