Can I Possibly Keep Him?


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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Hello, I have been on these forums for a very long time and anytime I see someone consider or buy a common pleco, I immediately say that it needs a minimum of 75 gallons. I kind of have a dilema right now. I am currently dog sitting for my brother's boss and I noticed they have a fish tank. A 20 gallon with two skirt tetras and a 6 inch common pleco. I was about to say something but then they said they are trying to get rid of it, tank and all. My dad wont let me take the tank but the fish I can have if I want. I might take the skirt tetras or give them to a friend and then rehome the pleco to someone else who can care for it. I kind of got attached to the pleco, I usually dont care for them, but this 6 inch pleco is just beautiful and his fins are always out and flowing. I'm wondering, I know they need a minimum of 75 gallons, but, is it possible I can keep this guy in my 48 gallon tank? I am also kind of unsure if he is a common pleco, I thought he was at first but then I noticed little features that might be different. His belly is full of really white dashes and markings. And the dashes and dots on his body are kind of goldish in color. His mouth also has a little bit of length to it, as in its not completely rounded. Help please?
get a pic and we can identify properly for u :) as for keeping him permanantly (if it is a common) in a 48g then the answers no unless it happens 2 be minimum 4x2x2 tank which i guessing will be a bit more than 48g :)

I'll try to get pics as soon as possible, may take a couple days.
Alright, finally got pictures. Lets try and confirm this species. Its probably a common pleco but it just seems different to me.




hes a lovely looking plec. doesn't look like a common to me but then I'm no expert.maybe a type of Gibby
Just a thought, but if you REALLY like the fish, and I can see why you do, he'd be much better off in your tank, than in a smaller one(where he'll probably end up)...I usually don't recommend getting a fish that will outgrow your tank, but he's very cramped where he is, and you may end up with a bigger tank later...
Just a thought, but if you REALLY like the fish, and I can see why you do, he'd be much better off in your tank, than in a smaller one(where he'll probably end up)...I usually don't recommend getting a fish that will outgrow your tank, but he's very cramped where he is, and you may end up with a bigger tank later...

sorry dont agree with u there u dont buy or have fish on the POSSIBILTY of getting a new tank if u know for sure 100% then yes go for it but personal circumstances could change and not be able 2 house him properly

yeh 2 me looks like L001 gold spot and gets pretty big at around 10-12 inches but will not getting any bigger so a 4 foot tank in my opinion would be satisfactory thats if u have plans or already have a 4foot that is :)
I do see your point...But sometimes I think maybe we think things to death. For example, I really want Clown Loaches...badly! My largest tank is 55gallons. This would be suitable for quite some time...but I haven't brought any home because of the size of fully grown Loaches. It takes YEARS for them to reach their full potential...I may have a bigger tank by then. I also may be dead, or no longer keeping fish. Sometimes I wonder if we should least, within reason...
Well, I'm kind of unsure on what to do with him. I'm not even sure what I'm going to even do with my 48 gallons tank. It only has a few fish left so I'm going to re-do it with another type of fish probably, which is why I wondered if I should put him in there or not (If he will be apart of my decision of whats going to be in there). Maybe I can give him to a petstore? I have a feeling no one will take him since he is at 6 inches right now. And I will not be upgrading at all really so if he comes to me he will be stuck in a 48 gallon. Maybe if any of you guys live in Florida, which I highly doubt, you can take him.
Any suggestions?

How about you keep it until you can find someone who can offer it a better home. from experience I'd say it won't be easy finding a 'more suitable' home for the fella so you will no doubt be left stuck with it anyway.

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