Can I Mix Shrimp With...........


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2008
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What i wanted to kow was i'm interested in getting a shrimp, but i was unsure weather they would mix well with corry cat fish.
I have a newly cycled tank and wanted to put a shrimp in one day, but i also love my corrys. Can anyone help?
Corys are quite peaceful and would be ok with most shrimp. The only ones who may not be ok with them would be babies as they are so tiny.
Ok thanks for your help.

Just one more question. What type of shrimp would be best for a beginner?

I have a 28 UK Gallon tank (33 US G's)
Ok thanks for your help.

Just one more question. What type of shrimp would be best for a beginner?

I have a 28 UK Gallon tank (33 US G's)

I would say Cherry Shrimp or Anamo Shrimp are probably best as they are the ones generally available in LFS :p

So long as none of the other fish are too big I would go for Cherry shrimp as they can breed in fresh water. With enough places to hide (like moss) then some babies should survive to adulthood.

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