Ben M
Formerly pest control
hi, for ages i've been trying to find out if i can keep cherry shrimp in my tank, but before i've always been advised against it because of my stocking. but now i've got rid of 2 of the kribs to my brother, and i'm going to hopefully give the other 2 to my lfs soon. anyways, my tank is 216l, 120cm x 40cm x 45cm. my stocking is :12 kuhli loaches, 4 Corydoras copei (getting 2 more soon), 20 copper harlequins (Trigonostigma hengeli), 5 harlequins, 4 rummynose tetras, 3 cardinal tetras, 3 serpae tetras, 3 ottos, 5 SAE's and soon some MTS. would that stocking be ok for cherry shrimp, considering that the tank is heavily planted? if not, are there any other shrimp that i can keep? i would like to have a go at breeding some shrimp, so i'd prefer shrimp that can breed; but any shrimp would be good. i've also seen some bamboo shrimp, but i've heard that they're hard to keep alive. is that true, and would it be possible to breed them in freshwater?