hi i bought a few river shrimp from maidenhead for my oscar, I bought 20 because they were cheap, could i keep 2 or 3 in my planted 20gal community tank after ive aclimatised them? as they are in saltwater atm.
Which Maidenhead Aquatics did you buy the River Shrimp from? as ive been looking for them, and havent found a shop that sells them, or can stock them yet, also what size are they?
I once read that they are brackish, so im not sure how they'd fare in freshwater longterm, they would probably need brackish or full strength sea water for breeding them.
Ghost shrimp are a hell of a lot cheaper than any other shrimp that I've seen, they're also easy to maintain. An oscar should love them. Ghost shrimp are also known as glass shrimp and are freshies, but if you're going to just use the river shrimp as oscar feed, I suppose dropping them into freshwater won't really matter now will it?
Okay where i work we do 12-15 shrimp for 60p as theyre feeders....and yes they convert from brakish to freshwater....theyre still roaming free in my axolotl tank days after i put them in until they get eaten You dont need to acclimatise them...jsut drain them into a net and chuck them into the tank..simple