Can I Keep Bettas


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2006
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females in a bowl
if so how many in a bowl and does it need a heater
I would ask a mod to move this for you to the betta section, names in blue at the bottom of the forum.
One gallon per fish, that'd have to be a big bowl. As for heating, it depends on you room temperature, if its around 75F the fish should be fine, if its lower than that then you will need a heater.
You can't keep females in a bowl; you can, however, keep a female in a bowl so long as it is 1 gallon or larger and you fit it with a lid... they jump quite well.
You can't keep females in a bowl; you can, however, keep a female in a bowl so long as it is 1 gallon or larger and you fit it with a lid... they jump quite well.

-nods- they can get territorial as well =o you might wanna get a bigger tank

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