Can I keep a small pleco with goldfish?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2024
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Bit confused and could do with some expert advice.

We currently have tropical fish in our tank, and have a small pleco in there. I don't know which variety, but when we bought it, the fish shop assured us that t wouldn't grow too large. We've had it a few years, and it's about 2" long.

We are thinking about converting the tank to goldfish, and were wondering about keeping the pleco. I've seen so much contradictory advice on this that I don't know if it's a good idea. Ours has never shown any sign of aggression towards any of the tropicals, and generally hides away in a corner, only venturing out at night.

Anyone able to advise? Thanks
for 50 years people didn't know any better, and kept common plecos with gold fish... but... to do it right, it's not a good mix, mostly because the the different temperatures they prefer to be kept at... you may have it on the cool side for the pleco, & warm side for the gold fish, & get by with it... but neither would be as healthy & happy, as if they were in their correct temps...

BTW... those old common plecos could handle the various conditions better, than most of the small varieties...
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If that's a common pleco it's the slowest growing one in history! I think the vast majority of plecos are not suited for non tropical. I think you should maybe post a photo and someone better than me can ID the fish. I doubt its a common pleco if it's 2 inches after a few years. It may even be a cold water fish that looks like a pleco.
That's what I was getting at, I was suspecting it was a smaller variety
Smaller species are usually tropical, so odds are, no. It isn't a pleco with that growth rate. What it is matters.
Thanks to everyone for the replies.

I would have added a pic, but it's very hard to get one, as it hides in the corner behind the filter outlet, and only comes out at night. Even then it can be hard to spot, so I thought the chances of getting a pic were slim.

Anyway, it doesn't sound like a good idea to put it with goldfish. No problem, I know where it will get a good home.

Thanks again

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