Can I Have These Fish Together?


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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These are my 3 favorite of Cichlids that I have seen so far. I'm planning on doing a 55 gallon setup soon, sand bottom, with alot of rocks and maybe some plants. Can these fish be kept together, if not, which ones can? And if you have any suggestions on other mates, please add! :D
These are my 3 favorite of Cichlids that I have seen so far. I'm planning on doing a 55 gallon setup soon, sand bottom, with alot of rocks and maybe some plants. Can these fish be kept together, if not, which ones can? And if you have any suggestions on other mates, please add! :D

Sorry but they are not really compatible, you are trying to mix new world cichlids with african.

Dietery and wter paramters are completely different, i would go and find some basic information out on either type (read the mbuna guide above) and such like to find out why , and also maybe to guide and steer you in one direction OR the other, not both.

Sorry, but hope it helps and you understand the resons why.

As Druchii says - that's really a non starter i'm afraid IMO. Combining a Parrot and a convict is possible although there are quite a few risks involved.

Yellow labs however have completely different water requirements and do better in groups of their own kind.
The Parrot and Convict are both NW and Yellow labs are from Lake Malawi, Africa.
Thanks Ferris, the one in your sig is amazing! what is it? :drool:
Ok, this is where I step in and put my unordinary experience up for people to read.

I have a large heart parret fish and 2 yellows. They get along just fine. My parret fish usually stays on one side of the tank while the yellow stayin the rocks on the other.

I wouldn't mix them if you tank is under 4-5' long and 18" deep (not height), or if you have more Mbuna fish. Im sure different types are more aggrasive then others. Give the fish some swimming room and they shouldn't pick on each other.

The parret fish was not my idea. I bought 2 of them for my GF and we put thme in a 10 gallon. Wrong idea. She then put them in her fathers 100 gallon with gold fish and a soft shell amazon turtle. Wrong idea again, although we though it would work. one parret was snapped in half. The other I rescued and put in my tank after some quarentine and MeleFix time.

I guess im one of the lucky one

I don't think that anyone s suggesting that it is not possible, we are just saying that it is not suitable and perhaps not far on either fish in the setup.


Dru. :D
Oh I know no one was suggesting it can't be done. I just thought I would throw my experience in. Im sure in more then other occasions that it can't be done.

Not trying to go against anyones words. Just saying what I have seen :good:
Thanks Ferris, the one in your sig is amazing! what is it?

Pseudotropheus Demasoni - my favourites :hyper:
Dietry differences? Am I wrong in thinking they are all omnivores then? As far as I know they are all omnivores.

The New World cichlid would be the convict, the Old World (African) the lab and the parrot (unless you are talking about the true parrot cichlid, though I'm guessing by 'parrot fish' your not) is a mess of hybrids from the New World.

By 'heart parrot fish' do you mean one that has had its tail cropped?

Also water needs aren't that different. Just that the convict would rule the tank, probably attacking the parrot and lab depending on sizes, sexes and if there are pairs?
Not trying to go against anyones words. Just saying what I have seen

Spot on m8 - thats what its all about. :good:
By 'heart parrot fish' do you mean one that has had its tail cropped?

Yup. Do the tails get chopped by the breeders?

Spot on m8 - thats what its all about

I sometimes get a little out of control with what im saying so just put me back in line if I go to far out of bounds :hyper:
Its not impossible to mix those fish

at my store we have a universal sump system for all tanks, new world and african.

deads in those areas have been almost non existant.
I wouldn't try to mix them in a 55g tank...

The convict could easily kill the yellow labs.. some parrots probably could too.

As for the above post.. you're obviously keeping the africans at a neutral ph.. your supplier probably does too. Some places keep their africans at a higher ph.. if you don't ask, and just chuck an african that's been at 7.8 into a tank with neutral ph, it's going to die of shock...

That is why generally it's not a good idea to mix africans and nw cichlids.

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