Can I Have Shrimp?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2010
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I'm basically just wondering if I can have some shrimp in my tank with my fish, or is there a risk of them being lunch?

Basically I just want a few to eat any left over food and algae.

The fish I'm planning are;

Honey Gourami
Kuhli Loach
Galaxy Rasbora
Gold Barbs

Tank will be heavily planted with a mixed sub of sand and aqualit, and I can always incorporate some little hides into the tank.

If this would be poss, what shrimp would you suggest?


I'd say yes and go with Amano shrimp, big enough that the fish won't bother them. Depending on your tank size, depends on how many and to have an effect on algae, you'd need a fair few. I take it, with the fish you plan to have/have, you have over 100ltrs in your tank? If so, I would say 8 Amanos should do the trick.
I'd say yes and go with Amano shrimp, big enough that the fish won't bother them. Depending on your tank size, depends on how many and to have an effect on algae, you'd need a fair few. I take it, with the fish you plan to have/have, you have over 100ltrs in your tank? If so, I would say 8 Amanos should do the trick.

Thanks Beth,

The tank is 110L, so I will look into Amanos.

Kisin you may want to rethink the gold barbs. Although great fish to watch they do get pretty big and are foracious eaters, they could easily outcompete your other fish as they grow.
Kisin you may want to rethink the gold barbs. Although great fish to watch they do get pretty big and are foracious eaters, they could easily outcompete your other fish as they grow.

Hmm, OK.

I used the stocking calculator on

I'm trying to keep all my fish and plants Asian, so any ideas on small fish I could swap them with, just to add a little more colour to the tank?
How about:
Harlequin Rasboras
Puntius rhomboocellatus
Cherry Barbs
Scissortail Rasbora
Pearl Danio
Glowlight Danio
How about:
Harlequin Rasboras
Puntius rhomboocellatus
Cherry Barbs
Scissortail Rasbora
Pearl Danio
Glowlight Danio

lol, trust you to come on and mess with my head again by giving me choices :p

I do like the cherry barbs but read that they like to burrow?, so it's a no for them, if the burrowing is true, cos they will just make my tank look messy :p

Other than that, I will get my thinking cap on
Lol, sorry :blush:
I've not heard that about the Cherry Barbs before, might be worth asking other members?
Lol, sorry :blush:
I've not heard that about the Cherry Barbs before, might be worth asking other members?

I've actually just been looking on other sites researching them and can't find it anywhere.

So Cherry Barbs it is :D

Final stocking;

3 x Honey Gourami
10 x Galaxy Rasbora
7 x Kuhli Loach
8 x Amano Shrimp
10 x Cherry Barb

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