Can I Have Shrimp?


New Member
Jun 23, 2009
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I LOVE shrimp, every time I go to the lfs I stare at the ghost shrimp for hours. I have read alot about cherry shrimp and they look like a great choice for me. My question is... Will I be able to put them in my community tank with an angelfish? Will he make a snack out of my shrimpies? I only have one angelfish and one cory cat in the tank now but I'm looking into getting some tetras also. I'm scared to spend $20 on something my angel fish will eat. I don't get to eat a $20 steak so I don't think my angelfish deserves to neither.

My tank is a 30g with gravel substrate and lots of limestone rocks. I will be adding some live plants in a few days.

Should probably add that my tank has been set-up and running for 5 years now.
I think you will have problems with shrimps and angels.
Just as my girlfriends dad put a amano shrimp in before with an angel.
And the angel had an expensive feed!
But to be fair, I think it also depends on the angels personality.
Im not very knowledge-able on angel fish as I dont like them.
But im sure someone will let you know.

I should also add if you are getting neons, you may need to remove the limestone rock.
As it increase's the pH and neons like low pH.
Dont quote me on that though, I could be wrong.

Yes I know about the PH. My tap water tested at 5.9 PH which is why I added the limestone. It boosted it up to 7.2

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