Can I Have Beetas In My Tank?


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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I have a 4 foot tank with

3 marbeled mollies
3 platies
2 black widows
4 serpae tetras
2 butterfly fish
2 pearl gouramies
3 angles

They all live together fine at the moment and I wanted to add some more fish, I like bettas but when I first got my tank I bought 2 and the died, 1 was a male and the other a female. I suspect my water wasn't ready when I got them. I didnt have all of these fish before and wanted to know if a can add bettas.

If not does anyone have any good ideas of what to add as my tank looks a bit empty.

Im no betta expert, but i expect the answer will be no.. for 2 reasons:

1. a four foot tank would stress a betta, they prefer smaller tanks

2. I think there might be conflict with the angels or gouramis..

shame though, because they are nice arent they ;)

never ever ever keep Bettas with gouramis.
the gouramis would kill him (they're from the same fish family, and in this case, that means completely incompatiable)
if the gouramis didn't the angels would
and if the gouramis and angels wouldn't, the serpae's would nip his fins off.

so no. sorry about that!

oh and you must also not keep a male and female betta together
they're not schooling fish
they have special requirements, males must not be kept with any other betta
females can be kept in groups of 4 or more in 10 US gallon tanks or larger.
I disagree with the first reason. I have currently have a female (and had more at one stage) in 50 Gallon Community and they absoltutely loved cruising all over the place - with all the other fish.

However reason two is valid - I wouldn't take a chance to keep them with the gouramis, angels or serpae.

Im no betta expert, but i expect the answer will be no.. for 2 reasons:

1. a four foot tank would stress a betta, they prefer smaller tanks

2. I think there might be conflict with the angels or gouramis..

shame though, because they are nice arent they ;)

I disagree with the first reason. I have currently have a female (and had more at one stage) in 50 Gallon Community and they absoltutely loved cruising all over the place - with all the other fish.

I stand corrected. :thumbs:

I had just heard stories where people had not been so lucky.. Chilled Bettas are the way forward.. less fighting, and more like fellas in drag having a good time.. ;)

Thanks for all the replys, i like the bettas for their colours and lovely fins.

My tank is a bit boring at the mo and needs a bit more colour. Does anyone have any good ideas of what to add to brighten it up a bit.

Rainbow fish is the way forward - no doubt about that. Stunning colours and lovely chilled out peaceful fish :thumbs:

See my topic here with some pics :thumbs: You might have to rehome some of your current fish to make enough room. 5" is about the max they will reach. For more info on Rainbow fish, see this website.
oo one of the show tanks at my LFS has those i think, or at least they look very similar, but more stripey? pretty though.

edit: just looked at the site you gave. now i want some too!!!

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