B bettasplendenlover Fish Crazy Joined May 1, 2004 Messages 210 Reaction score 0 Location Lowestoft, U.K Jun 3, 2004 #1 can i huh huh huh can i ?
smithrc My names Russell.... ....and I'm a Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 6,146 Reaction score 1 Location Milton Keynes - UK Jun 3, 2004 #2 If your working on 2" per gallon - dont go higher than that...
OP OP B bettasplendenlover Fish Crazy Joined May 1, 2004 Messages 210 Reaction score 0 Location Lowestoft, U.K Jun 3, 2004 #3 can i have any more though
smithrc My names Russell.... ....and I'm a Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 6,146 Reaction score 1 Location Milton Keynes - UK Jun 3, 2004 #4 see PM - i really wounldn't Time for another tank
T tstenback Hopelessly Addicted Joined Mar 18, 2004 Messages 1,982 Reaction score 1 Location St. John's Newfoundland Canada Jun 3, 2004 #5 i agree with smithrc. you are pretty much maxed out. Time to save the pennies and run to the tank store
i agree with smithrc. you are pretty much maxed out. Time to save the pennies and run to the tank store
OP OP B bettasplendenlover Fish Crazy Joined May 1, 2004 Messages 210 Reaction score 0 Location Lowestoft, U.K Jun 3, 2004 #6 im not allowed another as my mum says the house is being taken over with a 24 gallon my bedroom 10 gallon in the kitchen and a fish bowl in living room
im not allowed another as my mum says the house is being taken over with a 24 gallon my bedroom 10 gallon in the kitchen and a fish bowl in living room
S Silly me Fish Addict Joined Mar 16, 2004 Messages 864 Reaction score 0 Location Rustenburg South Africa Jun 3, 2004 #7 what if you replace the 10G with a second 23Gal??