Can I Have African Dwarf Frogs?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2011
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Hi everyone. I have been wondering about having some African dwarf frogs. Allot of people seem to have them and they would look good in my tank. Do they breath air? I have a biube so would they be compatible? How much would they cost? Any special requirements? My further stocking plans would be:

. 3 male fancy guppy's.

. A shoal of 6 neon tetras.

. 3 otos catfish

Any advice much appreciated. :rolleyes:
Hi everyone. I have been wondering about having some African dwarf frogs. Allot of people seem to have them and the would look good in my tank. Do they breath air? I have a biube so would they be compatible? How much would they cost? Any special requirements? My further stocking plans would be:

. 3 male fancy guppy's.

. A shoal of 6 neon tetras.

. 3 otos catfish

Any advice much appreciated. :rolleyes:

Hi - I've only had my 4 froggies for about a week now. They're gorgeous little things so amusing too. I have mine with Platys & Phantom Tetras. I did have a BN plec which tried to attack one of the frogs so he had to go unfortunately. They cost me £2.50 each which I think is about the average price, They do breathe air & rapidly ascend to the surface for a quick gulp then descend even faster. Looks very painful when they land. I feed mine some aquatic frog/tadpole bites (tiny pellets) & frozen bloodworm once or twice a week. They also love frozen krill. Sorry, not sure about the answers to your other questions. Good luck
I have just read that they prefer sand and everything. ( My substrate is marble sized because of the special filtration ) I don't really think a biube is suitable for them. I think I might just stay with what I've got. Thanks for the info. :good:
yes they do breathe air, I recommend you read the care guide on the forum - - biubes do not make good tanks for ADF. they do well with a tank that has a decent amount of floor space considering that they spend most of their time on the bottom.

your tank is not suitable for them due to the shape. you need a rectangular tank for them....long tanks over standard or high tanks are best.

if you are serious about wanting the frogs you should look into setting up a species only tank for them - - this is the best thing for them overall.
I would increase your tetra school by 2 and your otos by 2 they do better in groups. Perhaps Indonesian floating frogs would be better for your setup or if you lowered the water to 3/4 and built a dry platform in the centre some newts could do well.
I would if I could but the thing is I'm only really allowed 12 fish maximum in my tank due to the small surface area. :sad: Thanks for the info anyway.

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