Can I Have A Rock In My Tank?


Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
San Jose,California
I was wondering if its possible to have a small rock maybe a pound rock in my tank. I want it for my dwarf frog. At the pet store I was watching all the frogs huddled under the rocks, so wondered if that would be a good Idea to have a small rock in my 3 gallon tank?
OF course you can WHY NOT! lol

Just be careful of certain kinds of rocks because some will cause the chemistry in the tank to change and the ph will go WAY UP!

I go to my river i have here in town and spend a couple hours just walking down the river finding "special" rocks in the river :)

You can find slate rock which dosnt change the ph if you want, tile it up ,they look good :)
There is a pinned topic on rocks, if you can't find it, there is a test you can do. Put vinegar on the rock, if it does not react it should be good to go in your aquarium.
an hour with a geode shouldn't be a problem.
just make sure there is no physical damage to any of the fish, scrapes,cuts etc.

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