Can I Go With a Marine Setup?


New Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Hi All !

I am very new to the fish scene. 8)

I have a 10 gallon aquarium and really really want two Nemo fish. Is this possible with a 10gal tank?

What would I need to do to set this up for them?

I currently have a tropical setup with an Aquaclear Mini filter system, airstones, and a submersible heater.

If I can do this, what would I need to buy right off the bat? I won't be doing anything until all of my current fish are gone.

THanks for any help that you can give me! :D

and if I cannot do a Marine setup in a 10 gal tank please just let me know. Like I said I'm new to this, so any info is greatly appreciated!

Thanks !

Nah sweetie-

Since you're very new you don't really need to do a nano tank ( 10 gallon is TINY for saltwater).
The "Nemo" clownfish can't be kept in a ten gallon. Most get pretty large.

It is hard to keep a nano in good working order, especially when you have just started out.

Why not do a freshwater tank- get that down pat and then study study! Maybe doing a larger set up for saltwater a bit later on?

hope this helps! :thumbs:

Oh yeah-

Thank you thank you thank you! for asking before you buy a poor fish.
Currently we have a couple members- and myself that are doing/planning nanos. We post about them here from time to time- Browse here and look at the "nano" threads. :) is a good place to study up on nanos. :) Some people are rude there though. :X
As Crimsontsavo said, nanos are very hard to maintain. a 20 gallon long would realy be the minimum for only two clown fish (percula clown fish that is). plus you would have to buy live rock and a heavy duty skimmer, and not so cheap lighting. You would also need to buy a RO purifier for your water, and very expensive frozen/ live food.
pound for pound, it comes out much cheaper to start big than to start small, and much easier. :)
But THANK YOU for asking first :nod: , too many people out their buy "nemo" and "dory" fish and put them in fish bowls with table salt. :no:
FrankSlapperinni said:
too many people out their buy "nemo" and "dory" fish and put them in fish bowls with table salt. :no:
jeez that is truly terrible :(

I'm setting up a marine tank after a couple of years of fish keeping. I saw the movie nemo and it was fav, I loved it and so did my parents, me been the typical 19 year old I still loved that movie. I like them sort of movies any hows and cartoons.

Anyways i'll be buying a pair of clownfishes (nemo) when I get it, they are so cute when they are small like my lfs sells them, and they will grow with us :wub: plus a couple more additions.

Thanks for the help guys!

It IS true that so mant people buy the fish and then worry about taking care of them. I would LOVE to have a marine setup, but as instructed I will put it off until

1) I have a bigger tank
2) I have more money to invest in my hobby
3) I am a bit more experienced in fish

I love my mollies and platies to death right now! :wub:

When I realized that my one mollie was missing her right fin, my fiance wanted me to take her back.....after having her for a week.

I just couldn't do it ! I loved her so much and she loved her home. I don't mind if she's handicapped. She's VERY healthy and does not seem bothered in the least by her missing fin.

I would never buy a fish that I wasn't capable of caring for.

Thanks again and not to worry....I WILL WAIT to get my "Nemo" and "Dory" :lol:

:) Hi, firstly just let me say as the others have done well done for taking the concious step to wait. I have just finished getting my gear together for my marine tank, although still waiting for delivery of RO system, my tank is 48*15w*18high i have been planning this for 3 years of and on, but finaly got round to it, i will be using a sump tank of the same dimensions, and yes its quite easy to lose to controll of your budget when starting up however my tank with bottom drains was only £40. IF you live anywhere near me i can let you have the address and phone number of the guy that did it, he also sells marine fish and all other equipment at extrmely competitive prices. Its still gonna take me about 2 months before its up and cycling. and dont forget when you come to make a start this site has got to be one of the friendliest and easiest places to get sound honest advice.
Good for you Heather! I can tell you have a very good attitude towards fish and you don't rush in and buy everything and at the end it all collapses. I saw a "Nemo Pack" at a store near me and it had everything ready to go fully set up in your home. But it costed $600 and with that money you can easily get a big tank with everything in it. The reason it was expensive was because the whole filtration system was the optimum for marine and there where only 2 clownfish in it. Trust me, once you get a small tank, you'll just want more, More, MORE!

Btw, if you decide to get a "Dory" (Blue Tang), they require a huge tank (depending on size) as they like to dart around. Once they get to full size I recommend 70 Gallon plus tank. But the bigger the better!! :thumbs:
If you want a "Dory", you'll want a Hippo Tang. They get to be up to 4-6 inches long, and they require large amounts of dissolved oxygen, tons of macroalgae to eat, and excellent, stable water conditions. I would wait at least a couple months before trying to get one.

(I know all about clowns- my avatar says it all!)

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