Can I Get My Oscar A Freind


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2008
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louth lincs
i have just upgraded my oscars tank since he just keeps growing, i have kept him on his own now since i got him and hes a couple of years old now but was wondering if it was possible to introduce another fish of some type to live with him or would he just attack, he is aggresive and will attack me if i put my hand in the tank before i feed him but he is fine after his evening meal
what do you think ?
hello, how big is the new tank?
if it attack's you when you put your hand in the i would probally say he is used to all the space for himself but depending on tank size it could be possible, but finding a fish to go with him you will need matured fish as yours i guess is atleast 10inch plus
If you are even going to try to get him a friend now would be the time. leave him in his old tank. When you get the new fish release them into it at the same time. He is already territorial about his tank now he considers it his so if you put a new fish in with him he would probably tear it apart but if they both are released into an unfamiliar space at the same time it might work out. Of course it also might not. Make sure to get a cave for one of the fish to hide in if they can't get along at least it will have a safe place to hide out. Try to get a fish that is the same size. I wanted to get another oscar to hang out with my 2 tiger oscars and 1 red oscar when i got a new tank but they had grown so big i couldn't find one big enough to not get picked on. None of my fish really get along but i put plenty of caves in there for when they get in a fight and someone needs to hide. Plus when i feed them they seem to put their grudges aside and every one gets to eat so i think they are doing pretty good even though i can't get them to get along.
i have just upgraded my oscars tank since he just keeps growing, i have kept him on his own now since i got him and hes a couple of years old now but was wondering if it was possible to introduce another fish of some type to live with him or would he just attack, he is aggresive and will attack me if i put my hand in the tank before i feed him but he is fine after his evening meal
what do you think ?

Hard to answer your question when you don't supply any information regarding tank size or the size of your oscar...

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