Can I get identification for a

Topaz Puffer Clelonodon patoca also known as the Milkspot Puffer is an Asian brackish to marine puffer that grows to around 11 inches.
(sometimes the freshwater Emerald Puffer tetraodon cutcutia is sold as a topaz puffer)

Jade Puffer Tetraodon Fluviatilis also known as the Green and the Ceylon Puffer is an Asian brackish fish and is often confused with the Green spot Puffer (t. nigroviridis) or the figure eight Puffer ( t. biocellatus) as it's available in different forms wich resemble the markings of both these species.
However it grows larger than either of them at 8 inches.

Belem Puffer - Difficult one this, Belem is an area at on the tidal estury of The Amazon, so this is another brackish to marine puffer, but this time from South America. I've found reference to the Belem Puffer being large & striped, the only large, striped South American puffer from that region that ever gets imported is the Parrot Puffer Colomesus Psittacus which is sometimes sold as a freshwater puffer and bears a distinct resemblence when young to its African cousin, Tetraodon Lineatus (Fahaka Puffer).
The Parrot Puffer grows to 16 inches.
I'm about 90% sure that this is a Belem Puffer.

How I hate common names.
Many brackish and full marine puffers begin life in FW but move into stronger salt water as they mature. Lots of lfs sell some of these as FW and thats a shame as they die or at best live an unhappy life. When getting a puffer, get its scientific name, make sure that name is correct, then research it at more than one source and then research it some more, then research it some more.

Fish00 said:
thanks but I a currently the owner of 2 red eye puffers 1 south american & 9 dwarfs.
I would like the scientific names if posible because the common name is not one Iv'e heard before.
As I said:
Topaz Puffer - Clelonodon patoca (brackish)
Jade Puffer - Tetraodon Fluviatilis (brackish)
Belem Puffer - Colomesus Psittacus (brackish)

and of course:

South American Puffer - Colomesus Asellus (freshwater)
Red Eye Puffer - Carinotetraodon Lorteti (freshwater)
Dwarf Puffer - Carinotetraodon Travancoricus (freshwater)
fish00 - how do your lortetis and your dwarfs get on? i have a male and female lorteti seperate from my dwarfs at the moment. Have you had them together very long? Any problems so far?
There have been tragaties. 1 sap died of internal paraqcites & my 2 male dp's killed each other but my lorati ignores them they are kept 1 lorati 2 dp's 2 kribthings 1 plec 1 catfish 4 tiger barbs in a havily planted tank.(15 u.s gallons)
& my other tank 1 sap 5 dp's 1 catfish 1 fire mouth chiclid 3 ottos 1 lorati & lots of plants & the lorati is fairly inactive.(40 gallons)
how long have u had the dwarfs and the red eyes together without incident?

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