I have couple of tanks that are mature - they have been running for over a year. I am in the process of setting up a 33g malawi tank.
The only cycling I did was my first tank, a 25g - I did it with 3 platies over _very_ painful 40 days with daily water change.
During the past year, I've grown a large quantity of java moss and java fern. For all new tanks, they get a very heavy dosage of these plants initially, along with the fish. I also smear mature sponge (AquaClear filterss) into the new one to transfer some additional bacteria.
Using this method, I've yet to detect any ammonia and I haven't lost any fish yet to date due to water condition. This worked great for tanks up to 25g. The plants do seem to keep ammonia and nitrate levels in check - some of my tanks are over-crowded but has zero nitrate levels.
But for 33g, I'm not sure if I should do this, or do this plus fishless cycling just to be sure. I just went through 5 different stores, and I failed to find ammonia. (I'll try Walmart tomorrow).
So, can I put about 8 juv. Lab C or/and P Acei in this tank and cycle it the way I used to do it? If my memory serves right, higher pH makes ammonia more lethal which is not good in this tank since pH is about 8.2.
The only cycling I did was my first tank, a 25g - I did it with 3 platies over _very_ painful 40 days with daily water change.
During the past year, I've grown a large quantity of java moss and java fern. For all new tanks, they get a very heavy dosage of these plants initially, along with the fish. I also smear mature sponge (AquaClear filterss) into the new one to transfer some additional bacteria.
Using this method, I've yet to detect any ammonia and I haven't lost any fish yet to date due to water condition. This worked great for tanks up to 25g. The plants do seem to keep ammonia and nitrate levels in check - some of my tanks are over-crowded but has zero nitrate levels.
But for 33g, I'm not sure if I should do this, or do this plus fishless cycling just to be sure. I just went through 5 different stores, and I failed to find ammonia. (I'll try Walmart tomorrow).
So, can I put about 8 juv. Lab C or/and P Acei in this tank and cycle it the way I used to do it? If my memory serves right, higher pH makes ammonia more lethal which is not good in this tank since pH is about 8.2.