Can I Get Any Guppys/mollies With These Fish?


Fish Crazy
Oct 3, 2009
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I have 7 neon tetra's, 6 glowlight tetra's, 2 black widow tetra's, 6 zebra danios and 1 silver shark. Would i be able to get any livebearers with these fish?

I have a 240l tank.

No, not male guppies, their tails will attract unwelcome attention from the tetras not to mention the shark, mollies are probably a better bet. Guppys can be a problem bit like bettas. Once you get them you are limited to what you can put in with them, i actually have a picture of a moscow blue guppies without any tail whatsoever, not a nice site. I called him stumpy.



there you go hugh, youll see stumpy in the middle of screen, apologies for the pic. di
Humm my guppys and tetras never have clashed ,i would like to see this picture this is news to me

Though i would belive this due to their flairy tail
Thanks for the advice guys, do i have to make sure what sex im getting with mollies?
With mollies in small numbers, just like other livebearers in small numbers, it is best to keep 2 or 3 females for each male. Something else to consider when adding mollies is the water itself. Mollies do best in fairly hard, high pH water, not soft water and not a pH less than about 7.5. We do not know what your water is like so it is wreckless to say they would be OK in your water. Compatibility is not the issue here, but water parameters. All of your tetras would flourish in lower pH and softer water than a molly should ordinarily be put into. I have no idea on the shark but most of them deserve the name shark in terms of what they do to small fish.
platys are very fun and colorful addition to a tank. i have several breeding like crazy! They also seem to be very adaptable to water conditions and tank set ups.
I have a quite large silver shark, with mollies,swordtails, angels, bristlenoses, corydoras and it sticks to itself and minds its own business swimming happily around.
Thanks for the help guys, im definately after some mollies. Want more variety of fish, just need to wait for my tank to mature first; its been 2 and half month since i set it up and its still not cycled :(
No more fish, even to replace losses, until the tank is cycled Dan. You knew that didn't you?

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