Can I get an otto?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2003
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I have a 29 gallon tank, about 8 weeks old now. I used bio-spira to jump start the cycling process. I now have 2 Pearl Gouramis, 6 White Clouds, 3 Platys and two Panda Corys. I have mostly plastic and silk plants but recently purchased two Java Ferns. Water parameters are fine except the water is kind of on the hard side. All fish seem to be very healthy. I have started having a small problem with brown algae or diatoms. I have seen Oto Cats highly recommended but am not sure about stocking limits. There seem to be several opinions. Can I safely add a couple of Oto Cats, should I wait awhile more to let the cycling process progress even more, or should I not add anything else? Thanks for any advice or input. :/
I think it'll b ok if ur tank has finished the cycling coz Otos r not really hardy fish n some can die easily. They'll eat green algae the most and I don't think they'll touch hair/thread algae. They r not as good in cleaning algae off tank walls than plecs do.

They should be fine in soft to moderate hard water. N they'll love plants n driftwood. Mine love staying on the plants.

They r more happy in small groups but really depends on the amount of algae the tank has.

HTH! :)

Edit: I used to have brown algae mainly on the gravels in the past but it seems that the otos (or mayb with the help of the hillstream loach) have done a good job in cleaning it! :D Not hair/thread/brush algae tho -_-

IMO ur tank still has space to put in otos coz they r not bigger than an inch really. I think u can get 2 without problems!
Thanks for the info! I have seen the ottos in the LFS and I think they look interesting. I will start looking for two healthy ones to add to my tank. :D

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