Can I get a platy??

Galaxy rasbora would work well if you like them. Get a group of at least 10. Mine are in 6dGH so the water is very similar to yours. FWIW the correct name is Celestial Pearl Danio a.k.a. CPD (Celestichthys margaritatus), but they are widely sold as galaxy rasbora.

Here is a group of mine in a 15G - no other fish but plenty of red cherry shrimp, a few of which are in the pic. They don't usually shoal like in the pic (the attraction was the algae wafer you can see). Initially they are quite shy and spend a lot of time hiding but do get more confident over time.


Edit: Forgot to mention they do need lots of hiding places to avoid stress.
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Agree, but get a larger group, at least 15. More data here:

And these should be the only fish in this small a tank. That brings us to the Dwarf Gourami...hard to say.
I definitely agree with that, both on the numbers and that they should be the only fish. I assumed you already had the DG when I said 10.
I started with 24 (why do they sell fish by the half dozen???). I know of at least 2 that have died since I got them and today I have 26. They do produce eggs fairly regularly but they also eat them (and so do the shrimp).
I do already have the honey gourami, so I guess the CPD won’t work

You could try this and see, but be prepared to remove the gourami immediately if it seems annoyed with the CPD (this is one possibility) or if the CPD go after the gourami (this is the second possibility).

You have near-ideal conditions for CPD and they would be good in this tank, so the DG is the problem.
You could try this and see, but be prepared to remove the gourami immediately if it seems annoyed with the CPD (this is one possibility) or if the CPD go after the gourami (this is the second possibility).

You have near-ideal conditions for CPD and they would be good in this tank, so the DG is the problem.
The CPD will not go after the gourami, they really are very timid (my shrimps are able to chase them off their food and their first response to anything new in the tank is to hide). I can't comment on how the gourami will react because I don't keep these. As long as there are plenty of plants to act as hiding spaces they should be fine, although it is wise to heed @Byron when he says be prepared to act.

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