Can i fit any more fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Arkansas, USA
I was hoping to get a red tailed shark or some tiger barbs or some other loaches do i have enough room? on the title i meant 20

Fixed the title for you
Redtails get, around 4 inches and can be territorial and mean when older, tiger barbs are IMO, not a good community fish as they love to nip fins and you have one black kuhli so I would say buy another 4 or 5 of them before adding more fish. Plus that common plec will need something like a 100gallon aquarium full grown, not to mention they're terrible waste producers.
I agree with Teelie on all counts there.

RTBS's are quite quarrelsome as they grow.

TB's really need to be kept in large groups in order to keep their inate aggression amongst themselves, at least 6 ideally more fish. Your tank is not big enough for a group that size. Also, TB's are very active swimmers, and a small tank like that is never going to be really suitable, even if it were a species tank.

If you do, indeed, have a Common Plec, they are well known tank busters!

A sexed pair of Cherry Barbs, or possibly a trio, 1 male 2 females would work. (2 males may fight, especially in small tanks.)
ur tank is too small for those fish. I have 5x clown loaches before in a 25g then I came to my sense and dicide to take them back to my LFS. Because my tank is too small for them.
If you replace the plec with something smaller like a couple of otocinclus or a bristlenose plec you would have room to get a couple more khuli loaches.


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